Google is huge to the point that it despite everything burns through billions of dollars on Apple consistently along these lines

In business, an organization can't endure alone, regardless of how large the organization, as should be obvious, even with the goliath Google battling Apple with billions of dollars. Dollars consistently. 

Google did this so Apple could put Google's Search Engine on Safari for the iPhone, iPad, and MacBook, so when the client basically composed the word in Safari's pursuit box, the outcomes board would show up on Google's site. 

As per a report from the UK Competitiveness and Marketing Authority, Google is paying Apple about $ 1.5 billion for the web index's Google web search tool on Safari. Just in England. 

Other web indexes have thought about this as an out of line rivalry, in any case, the genuine victor is Apple, with Apple figuring out who claims the rights to the stage. Body. 

Apple has been dealing with Google's web search tool since 2014, when Apple is paying Apple to utilize Google's web crawler, Google said. For the client, in the event that he needs to look through Google, simply go to the pursuit bar and type in the word. 

For the US showcase, Apple is evaluated to gain $ 9 billion per year from letting Google search its own web crawler on Safari.

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