EU Warns China over Hong Kong Security Law

BRUSSELS, June 22 (AFP) - The EU cautioned China it would confront "extremely negative outcomes" in the event that it presses ahead with another security law for Hong Kong, venturing up pressure on Beijing over the questionable enactment. 

European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen and European Council boss Charles Michel revealed to China's top chiefs of their "grave worry" over the new law, which pundits state will control the budgetary center point's self-sufficiency and opportunities. 

The harsh message, conveyed during a video highest point on Monday with Chinese President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang, adds to a melody of global worry over Hong Kong, however Beijing has given no indication of withdrawing on a law it says is important to look after request. 

"We communicated our grave worries about the proposed national security law for Hong Kong," Michel told journalists after the discussions. 

"We approached China to follow the guarantees made to the individuals of Hong Kong and the worldwide network with respect to Hong Kong's serious extent of self-governance and ensured opportunities." 

In light of the EU remarks, China's remote service said Tuesday that issues identifying with Hong Kong were a "local issue". 

"We restrict any remote impedance in this issue," service representative Wang Lutong told columnists at a preparation, saying that Chinese chiefs had "communicated our situation" at the video culmination. 

A report of the highest point by China's state news office Xinhua made no notice of Hong Kong however said Xi had focused on his nation needed "harmony without authority". 

Remote pastors from the G7 gathering of industrialized countries a week ago encouraged Beijing to rethink the proposed law, which has raised concerns it will end Hong Kong's relative opportunities and make the way for the sort of suppression found in terrain China. 

Resounding the language of the G7 proclamation, von der Leyen said they had made it understood to the Chinese that the EU accepts the burden of the national security law penetrates Beijing's universal duties.

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